February 11, 2023

Santa Ana, CA – Hit-and-Run Crash with Injuries on Newport Ave.

Santa Ana, CA - Hit-and-Run Crash with Injuries on Newport Ave.

Santa Ana, CA (February 11, 2023) – The California Highway Patrol responded to the scene of an injury accident in Santa Ana on Saturday, February 11th. The crash reportedly occurred around 4:15 p.m. on Newport Avenue near the intersection with Cowan Heights Drive.

According to a report from troopers, there were three cars involved in the crash, a gray sedan, a gray Nissan, and a Blue SUV. One of the drivers fled the scene after the accident. At least one person was treated at the scene for undisclosed injuries before being taken to a local hospital. It is not clear if anyone else was hurt in the accident. The cause of the crash is under investigation at this time. There is no word on whether any charges are expected to be filed.

The road was partially closed while police investigated the accident. Motorists were advised to avoid the scene and to find an alternate of travel if possible.

There is no additional information available. We would like to offer our thoughts and best wishes to those who were affected by this hit-and-run accident in Santa Ana.

Hit-and-Run Accident in Santa Ana

Hit-and-run crashes are, unfortunately, quite common in Southern California. According to some estimates, hit-and-run collisions make up more than 20% of all motor vehicle accidents on our local roadways. Drivers who choose to flee the scene of an accident often do so, knowing that their actions have resulted in a reportable crash that led to injuries. When a motorist chooses to flee the scene of a crash, you can still receive the compensation that you deserve with the assistance of a skilled attorney.

California law provides accident victims with a remedy when they have been affected by someone else’s negligence. Under our state’s law, a victim can file a claim directly against the driver who caused the crash. This allows the victim to recover certain types of costs, including pain and suffering, lost wages, medical bills, and potentially more. In order to properly evaluate your claim, it is vitally important that you meet with an experienced lawyer as soon as possible.

Here at Madison Law Group, our attorneys can assist you following a sudden and tragic accident. We know the struggles with which you are dealing. Our firm has dedicated itself to protecting the rights of innocent crash victims, and we would be honored to represent you. Please contact us before you speak with the insurance adjuster or another person regarding the accident.

Our firm is standing by to take your call at any time. We offer a free consultation and case evaluation for all potential and prospective clients. When you have been affected by a serious accident, you can turn to us. We can help take some of the stress off of your shoulders so that you can focus on your family and your healing and recovery. To schedule your free appointment with a car accident lawyer in Santa Ana, please reach out to us using the link on our website or give us a call at (310) 201-7676.