June 25, 2013

Your Personal Injury Lawyer in Los Angeles Keeps Your Best Interests in Mind

Your personal injury lawyer in Los Angeles works for your best interests when representing you in a personal injury case. During your free consultation with your attorney, he or she discusses what type of monetary damages you are able to seek. They will also give you an estimate of the maximum amount of damages possible for your situation. Initially, your attorney attempts to work out a favorable settlement agreement with the other party’s insurance company. However, in situations where the insurance company is unwilling to work towards a reasonable settlement or is offering an insignificant amount, your lawyer may recommend taking the case to court.

Listen to the Opinions and Advice You Receive from Your Personal Injury Lawyer in Los AngelesWhenever you are presented with a settlement offer, your personal injury lawyer in Los Angeles will give you their opinion. He or she tells you whether they feel the amount is fair or if the deal should be rejected. Often, if an offer is rejected, your lawyer presents a counter settlement to the other party. This bargaining can go back and forth for a period of time until you and the other party reach a mutual agreement. Your lawyer is also available to provide you other valuable information and advice to consider before making decisions. However, in the end, it is entirely up to you when to decide to accept a settlement or pursue your case in court. But, in the event your attorney feels a settlement is better than attempting to go to court, you need to seriously listen, because they have more experience in these matters.