September 06, 2013

Consult with a Personal Injury Lawyer if You Were Hurt in a Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle accidents frequently involve sustaining more serious injury than other types of vehicle accidents. This is because the only protection you have available is your helmet. The rest of your body is left completely exposed and has no protection. These accidents often involve injuring your back, neck, spine, arms and legs, as well as certain kinds of head trauma. In extremely severe accidents, death could even result.

In the event you or one of your loved ones is involved in a motorcycle accident resulting in injury, it is worth your time to discuss your situation with one of our personal injury lawyers. Personal injury laws allow you to seek monetary damages to pay for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost time from work, as well as a change to your lifestyle. For example, after your accident, you may be left partially paralyzed from the waist down and unable to enjoy your former quality of life, or are no longer able to work in your present condition. Because this can cause a monetary crisis to your life, you are entitled to seek compensation from the party who caused the accident.

The maximum amount you are able to seek in damages does depend upon a few different factors. One of the more important ones is the amount of insurance coverage the other party has in effect for personal injury. Another factor, in cases where this amount is not enough to cover all of your injuries, is whether the person has any substantial assets. Your lawyer will cover all of this information during your free consultation to determine the amount of damages you are able to seek.