November 07, 2013
To File a Case You Need to Meet with a Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney
The process for filing a case using a local Los Angeles personal injury attorney starts by scheduling a consultation appointment. During your initial free meeting, your lawyer will ask you specific questions related to your accident and the injuries you sustained. It is always a good idea to write down the events after the accident to have an accurate account of the details. If a police report or accident report was filed, you may have already provided these details, so you should obtain a copy. Reading through the reports can help jog your memory, and you might remember other aspects you initially left out. In addition, you need to make sure to bring along a list of any doctors who are currently treating you for your injuries, as well as any emergency room or medical reports.
Once your Los Angeles personal injury attorney has met with you, gathered your account, and reviewed all available reports, his next step is to determine whether any experts are required. Experts are people who are specialized in their fields and are able to attest to your current condition and the extent of your injuries. Your lawyer may speak to these people prior to establishing and setting a value for your case. After he is satisfied and has obtained everything needed, he will file your case with the court. The other party and their insurance company are notified at this point. At this point, they may try to offer you a settlement instead of having the case go in front of a judge. Your lawyer makes sure you are receiving the maximum monetary amount and gives you their own professional opinion about whether you should accept a settlement or proceed with taking your case to court.