April 19, 2013
Talk to an Accident Attorney in Los Angeles if You Were in an Accident at Work
Most people are unaware that their employer is responsible by law to create a safe working environment. This means if there are potentially hazardous situations or unsafe working conditions the employer can be held accountable in the event of an accident. If you are involved at an accident while at work your employer has certain obligations they must meet. They are responsible for filling out an accident and injury report, providing medical treatment, and offering workers compensation in situations where you are unable to work for a period of time. If you find that your employer wants you to downplay the extent of your injuries or wants to avoid filling out an accident report you need to contact an accident attorney in Los Angeles right away.
Learn About Your Workers Compensation Rights from an Accident Attorney in Los AngelesSometimes people are afraid to ask for workers compensation after being injured at work. They might fear their employer could fire them from their job. However, employers are required to carry workers compensation insurance on all of their employees. They are also not allowed to fire workers who are hurt on the job and must provide compensation to the employee for their injuries. The type of benefits covered under worker compensation does depend upon the severity of your injuries. You can consult with an accident attorney in Los Angeles if you are still afraid after talking to your employer or they make changes to your work schedule or cut your hours after filing a workers compensation claim.